The Casa de Bernarda Alba is a drama set in a rural Spanish town in the 1930s. It follows the story of Bernarda Alba, a domineering widow who forces her five daughters to remain in mourning for eight years following the death of her second husband. There are repeated explanations of how women are expected to behave in the company of men, never to ask questions and to put their own needs last after those of the men.

Featuring: Valeria Fernandez, Kana Seiki, Giordana Simurdiak, Amanda Rodriguez, Yasemin Cem, Milagros Luis, Yvanna Tassy, Riley Halpern, McKenna Dixon, Anne Lois Bullington, Catherine Otero, Alexandra Aurora Pupo, Hannah Ponce, Malak Elghamrawi, Director: Dawn Saito, Translation: Caridad Svich, Choreography: Jessica Siegel, Kana Seiki, Milagros Luis, Assistant Director: Lisa V. Felson, Music Director: Andrew Shapiro, Music Supervisor: Scott Yezzi, Vocal Coach: Andrea Haring, Lighting Design: Zac Zwart, Assistant Lighting Design: Luke Willson, Set Design: Mark Wendland, Assistant Set Design: Ian Rios, Props Design: Deb Gaouette, Costume Design: Mariko Ohigashi, Assistant Costume Design: Teri Salmon, Graphic Design: Yev Gelman, Production Stage Manager: Julia Walker, Assistant Stage Manager: Laney Schwantes, Production Manager: Shaun Suchan, Crew: Rooke Lewis, Adeline Blue, Sawyer Barth, Phia Funicello, Ella Hyde, John Stengel, Julie Casamonti, Bili Ramirez, Diasuke Miyama, Imani Carr, Faculty Production Manager: Shaun Suchan, Technical Director: Tim Zay, Costume Supervisor: Jessica Shay, Light & Sound Supervisor: Danie Taylor, Budget Manager and Front of House: James Bartholomew, Program Director: May Andrales